Mid year reports went home with your child today. Please check their bag if you haven't already received this.
Interview bookings are available for Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th. Bookings are made online (see note attached further down for more info).
During the interview, besides answering any questions that you might have, we can have a catch up regarding how your child is progressing with their Learning Commitments.
Please feel free to contact me (grace@georgestreet.school.nz) to arrange a more suitable time if you are unable to meet with me on the Wednesday or Thursday.
I'm looking forward to talking with you all next week.
Teachers' Union Meeting
Sunday, 24 June 2018
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This is the notice that went home Friday regarding Thursday 28th June. Please get your child to bring the completed form to me ASAP. Many thanks.
Year 2 Poem Sharing
Monday, 18 June 2018
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The Year 2 poem sharing will be happening in class next Monday, 25th June. Please practice your poem at home this week and remember to be loud, use expression and some gestures.
Royal Ballet of NZ Guest Speaker
We were very lucky to have Zoe-ann's cousin Olivia from the Royal Ballet of NZ come and talk to us this afternoon. She taught us some moves and we all tried to do them. We were amazed to hear that she has to get a new pair of pointy shoes every week because they train so much that they constantly wear out! We learnt that Olivia is 16, she trains 6 days a week and only gets 3 weeks holiday a year. She is very dedicated to her ballet!
Maths Website-Hit the Button
Sunday, 17 June 2018
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We have started using the maths website 'Hit the Button' in our maths rotation. This is the link for your child to access it at home if they would like to. We have been focusing on questions in 'Number Bonds', 'Doubles' and 'Halves'.
Compassion Goal Achieved!
Lochie's Science Experiment
Lochie taught a group a science experiment during discovery time on Friday. We were amazed when he turned the bottle of water upside down and no water came out of the holes in the net! We even poked tooth picks through the net and still no water came out. Very clever! Lochie also brought along some cool glasses that made everything appear as rainbow colours.

Te Reo Māori
Compassion Goal-So Close!
Tuesday, 12 June 2018
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We are so close to achieving our compassion goal! This morning the children managed to spell out 'COMPASSIO"! We now just have one letter to go. Thanks for your support.
Art and Craft Kit
Miss Dore has been receiving packs of goodies from Eeny Meeny (office supplies) because she is a beginning teacher. In our last pack there was an opportunity to enter a competition using the products, and .... Jamie’s art work won our class a great big pack of art and craft supplies! We were very excited!

Discovery Time
Update on our compassion goal
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
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Thank you to everyone who has brought in cans to help us achieve our compassion goal. We are now half way towards achieving this! It has become a daily challenge for us to see how many letters we can spell out.
NZ Money
Monday, 4 June 2018
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The last couple of weeks we have been learning about NZ money. We have been making amounts using different coins and adding amounts together. We also got to play with cards where we had to match the picture to the correct amount and make the amount the card said using coins. At the end of this Maths unit we designed a new coin or note. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot!

Welcome Lochie
Friday, 1 June 2018
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We would like to welcome Lochie to Room 18. For homework sharing this week Lochie made a yellow-eyed penguin and taught us about this endangered NZ bird. Fantastic effort Lochie!
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