Poetry Competition

Sunday, 20 May 2018
Each year we run a poetry reading competition.  The children are asked to choose a poem which they will introduce and read to our class.  From our class I will select two Year 3 children to represent our class in the Middle Team Competition. Our in class poetry readings for the year 3's will happen during week 5. Two children in Year 2 from our class will also be selected to read with the Junior Team in Week 10. Our in class poetry readings for the year 2's will be during Week 9. 

The children will be asked to introduce the poem, to read clearly and to read with expression.  The poem does not have to be memorised.

Your child's chosen poem has been glued into their homework books to practice at home as well as at school. 

Please come and see me if you have any questions about this. Thanks for your support. 

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