Term 3

Sunday, 8 July 2018
A brief overview of Term 3

1. Our value of the term is 'Honesty and Truthfulness' and the well-being focus is 'keep learning'

2. Writing - We will be writing 'instructions' and 'narratives'.

3. Maths - We will be beginning multiplication and division. Ms Spain will be teaching measurement on Thursdays. The first 5 Thursday's will be on 'time' and the other 5 Thursdays on 'area'.

4. Reading - Some groups will be reading chapter books in class focusing on understanding the text. These books will stay at school so they are always available. Please encourage your child to read their own books or library books each night at home. Other groups will continue to bring reading books home each night to practice reading fluently with expression.

5. Science -We will be focusing on the Living World this term.

6. Cross Country will be in week 2. We will continue with our 100 lap club for week 1.

7. We will be visited by Football coaches every Tuesday morning, who will teach us about this exciting winter sport.

8. Cultural Swap will continue this term with the children moving between classes to learn music, drama and dance.

1 comment

  1. Looks like you are in for lots of fun this term! I love all of the Te Reo around Room 18 too - good luck for your Te Reo competition this week, tamariki! The scores were looking close this afternoon!
